My cfObjective 2011 Slides & Notes
It seems like every time I make a promise to get something done for the community -- Taffy 1.1, bug fixes for a Mango plugin, and now this -- life has a way of making me break that promise. To wit, I was (still am) slammed at work with more than the typical workload. I'm not complaining. Job security is nice, but I feel bad for broken promises.
So here -- better late than never right? -- is my slide deck and notes from my cfObjective 2011 session, No nonsense RESTful ColdFusion Web Services, with Taffy.
For those of you who attended my Taffy presentations at Philly CFUG or on The Online ColdFusion Meetup, it is mostly the same, but it did evolve a little bit. If you want a refresher, this is the most relevant version to watch.
(Sorry, the website that I used to host these slides has since shuttered and the domain is not relevant any more. So long, SlideSix!)
For the slide notes, you should download this PDF, which has the slide at the top of the page, and the notes at the bottom.
Where is the code? You get it when you download Taffy. All of the code that I showed, except for the "hard way" code I briefly show, which is available here (link also in the slides), was examples that come in the examples folder of the Taffy download.
Lastly, Tim Cunningham was in attendance and kind enough to record my session on video for posterity. I've embedded the two parts below. Thanks, Tim! (Also, thanks for letting me crash on a cot in your room when the hotel gave away my room on Wednesday night!)