Happy 2nd Birthday Taffy!

It's hard to believe but it was 2 years ago today that I finally declared Taffy to be at 1.0 and released it to the public. It's come a long way since then, and I'm working hard on the next version. I'm still not sure if that will be 1.2 or 2.0, but there is plenty on the horizon and Taffy seems to be gaining more traction every week.

Taffy has definitely been my most widely-used open source project, with the possible exception of one or two of my most popular Mango Blog plugins, but certainly it's been the one into which I've put the most effort. I'm thrilled that so many people find it useful, and that I have been able to use it to provide data to all of the mobile applications that I've built in the last 6 months.

Here's to many more years to come!


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