Taffy 2.2.0 Watermelon Released

The biggest news this time around is that we now have a shiny new logo!*

Taffy Logo

As ever, the full release notes for Taffy 2.2.0 are available on GitHub.

Taffy Metrics

In addition to the new logo, my second favorite addition is that Taffy now returns additional headers that show you where time was spent on the server, to help find any performance bottlenecks that may pop up. These values are listed in milliseconds and are not perfect because there is some rounding involved.

I'm so glad that Richard Poole requested this feature because while I always knew that Taffy is ridiculously fast I didn't have any numbers to back that up. Now I do, and Taffy is even faster than I expected!

Thanks to Richard Poole, Jesse Franceschini, Cody Martin, marbetschar, Lee Howard, Bill Rawlinson, Aaron Martone, Tony Junkes, Andy Matthews, and w1nterl0ng for your bug reports and other contributions to this release!

* Stroz can "occupy me" if he doesn't like it.


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