How to Add a 3rd Party Script Tag to a SvelteKit Page Body

A giant crowd at a concert, at night

Early in the process of playing with the idea of using SvelteKit for my website redesign I ran into a couple of issues that I couldn't figure out. I spent a few hours brainstorming, and asking for help in the (excellent!) Svelte Discord, but wasn't able to come up with a solution.

The biggest problem I had was embedding a 3rd party <script> tag in the page content.

You might be asking yourself why anyone would do that in 2021. The answer is integrations. The <script> tag is for the email signup form on the root page of my site. I don't control its contents (nor do I want to) and it outputs additional HTML at the DOM location where I've included the script tag (think documemt.write)...

Embedding a Script Tag in Page Content

If you try to add a <script> tag to a SvelteKit page to embed an external script, you're probably going to run into an error:

// normal svelte component stuff...

<h1>Welcome to the Church of Mountain Dew</h1>

<script src=""></script>

SvelteKit error message reading, "A component can only have one instance-level  element"

So what's the magic fix? It's almost too easy. It came to me totally at random one evening while watching TV with my wife.

Wrap it in an {#if browser}{/if} conditional:

import { browser } from '$app/env';

<h1>Welcome to the Church of Mountain Dew</h1>

{#if browser}
<script src=""></script>

No more error, and the script tag is embedded and executes exactly as expected.

Like so many other things in Svelte, when I saw that this was the solution I sat there slack-jawed and asked myself, "Is that really all that's needed?"

Alternatives That I Considered/Tried

You might be wondering why I didn't use <svelte:head>.

I needed this method specifically because the <script> tag that I need to embed creates HTML content at the DOM location where the tag exists. In this case, it creates the email list signup form.

If I put my script tag in the document head, the email list signup form might not show up at all, or it might appear in a weird location.

Another alternative would be to use an onMount hook to add it at runtime using something like document.body.appendChild. This would effectively be the same thing as what I've done above with {#if browser}, but less readable and, in my opinion, less expressive. It would also take much more code.

While I wouldn't have been happy with this solution, I did also try to copy the code of the import and try my hand at adding it directly to the page, modifying as necessary to make it work. In this case it just wasn't a workable solution. There's too much code, and it's too complex, to make that a path worth pursuing. Especially once I found the solution described above!

While a need like this is pretty infrequent these days, I'm glad to have figured out how to pull it off with SvelteKit.

Svelte has become a new obsession of mine. You should follow me on Twitter or subscribe via rss to follow along as I learn more and share what I learn.


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4 Replies

Thelawx1 Thelawx1
If my project only uses Svelte as framework and I do not use sveltekit, how would I import third party scripts in a .Svelte Can someone help me with that? I've been looking for an answer for 2 days
atcodes atcodes
I know it seems trivial once you know the solution, but I spent SEVERAL hours trying to figure out how to make this happen, and asked more than once in the discord SvelteKit help channel, and nobody was able to help me figure it out..... until it came to me randomly one evening.
Cameron Pak Cameron Pak… Thank you!
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