Adam Tuttle

Photo of Adam Tuttle

Hey there. As it says at the top of the page, my name is Adam Tuttle. This website is my blog digital garden.

I'm not interested in forcing my personal agenda on anyone, but I do want it to be clear where I stand for anyone that wants to know.

Most of what I write on here is technical. In the past I wrote a lot about CFML (ColdFusion Markup Language), but these days it's mostly either JavaScript or more generalized and broadly applicable to most types of coding, or at least web-development.

To feed my family I work at AlumnIQ. I could say that I'm the "first hire" but, well, it's complicated. There were some people before me, but we were operating under a different name at the time. I joined while we were still operating under that name, and at the time I was the only employee other than the solo-founder. During my tenure we started doing business as AlumnIQ[1], and we currently operate with a team of 7 people. We've always been 100% remote —before COVID-19 made it cool— and we currently span 3 of the 4 (contiguous) US time zones. As for how long and how much I enjoy working at my company, I'll refer you to my latest work-anniversary entry.

Speaking of my family, we live in suburban Pennsylvania (USA) outside of Philadelphia. We're close enough that we sometimes drive into Philly for a nice dinner, but far enough out that often when the weather is nice and I've got my window open I can hear an amish horse buggy trotting a shortcut through my neighborhood.

I wrote and self-published a book, 📘 REST Assured, about authoring REST API's. It's available both as an e-book and in paperback.

Working Code Podcast: A person sits at a desk with 3 brightly lit monitors in a dark room

I make a weekly podcast with 3 of my closest tech friends, called Working Code. We aim to be a language-agnostic, web-developer-centric, celebration of the everyday triumphs and failures of working as a coder. We want to make your coding career more enjoyable.

I like to contribute to open source software when I can.

I am most active on Mastodon. This is mostly tech stuff, too.

When I've got some free time, the thing I most want to do is usually to go skydiving. I have over 700 jumps and I am an instructor and an FAA certificated parachute rigger. I post skydiving videos on TikTok.

Unfortunately, skydiving is a fair-weather sport and the weather isn't always fair. When I can't jump out of airplanes, I can often be found in my basement workshop making furniture out of wood. I document those exploits, to some extent, on Instagram.

I love to read, and I share my book list on GoodReads. Science fiction is my genre, and Space Operas are my jam. My current favorite book is Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. I've talked no less than 5 people into reading it and they all reported back that it was so good that they couldn't put it down.

I don't drink much alcohol, but when I do I love trying new beers – especially IPA's. I track those on untappd.

  1. If you ever get the opportunity to name a product or a company, I would advise you to either not use a portmanteau or to make peace with your customers and the general public spelling and pronouncing it wrong constantly. Personally, I wouldn't do it again. Yes, the AlumnIQ name idea was mine. As a portmanteau of "Alumni" and "IQ" it's intended to be pronounced "alumni-queue" with no pause between them. ↩︎

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